Summer Time in Louisiana

Summer Time in Louisiana
The kids and I have taken a little break from Wisconsin to enjoy some good, quality family time with the Zeringues.
 Kate wasn’t so sure about this crawfish boil thing ๐Ÿ˜‰ She loves bugs, but I think this frightened her a bit. She enjoyed peeling shrimp, but didn’t care for the taste. Poor girl, doesn’t know what she’s missing.
 Mimz, Poppa, cousin Nicholas, Caroline, Kate, Jackson and Luke.
 Jackson loves his Oreos! These days he’ll let you know he’s done eating or doesn’t like what you’re giving him by shaking his head “no”.
 I love this photo!! Seriously, these two are so good together. They love each other SO much!! Jackson is walking a lot these days holding onto things, but he’s taking more and more steps on his own too.
What a good cousin helping Caroline with her shoes!
 And what a good helper Jackson is, too! He loves to help Mimz with the dishes ๐Ÿ™‚
Kate, Mimz and I went to the science museum in Jackson to visit my friend Holly.